Our Mission, Our Values and Our Goals

Our Mission
Not to be needed, for there not be a need for animal rescue shelters, for there to be a world where every dog is safe, respected and loved. In the meantime we will continue to save dog’s lives and continue to do our best at all times.
Our Values
A Positive Culture For Rescue
We want the rescue and adoption experience to be a positive one for everyone and we believe this can be done by creating and encouraging a positive culture for rescue.

The Highest Level Of Care
To provide the highest level of care to every dog that enters our shelter including veterinary, physical and psychological care.
We believe every dog whether young or old, social or shy, in sick or poor health deserves a good life. A life where they are respected, cared for and loved.
A Thorough and Happy Rehoming Process
We are committed to ensuring every dog find’s it’s best possible match in a family and in a home. To ensure we match our dogs with loving adopters who will provide them with the best care and attention for the rest of their lives.

Our Goals

Education Initiatives
To work with local schools and the community to promote responsible dog ownership, humane treatment, compassion and respect for all animals.
Population Control
To work with and support animal welfare organisations and the local community to promote sterilisation programs to reduce the suffering of dogs and overpopulation.

Financial Sustainability
To be financially independent as a rescue shelter, to independently fund the care of every dog within the shelter and to not require any external donations.
Benafim Dog Shelter – Meet The Team

Who better to introduce the team than the one and only Nero – be kind Nero – please!!!
My best friend and shelter owner Lee is one of a kind. He has the biggest heart and is incredibly generous and kind to all of us at the shelter. It doesn’t matter if we have been here a few years or a few days, he treats us all with so much kindness, respect, care and love. Without Lee none of us doggies would be here, no it isn’t a home and of course we all dream of one day being in a home with kind people but we would never complain about our lives here. Lee always makes sure we have fun, he spoils us with yummy food from time to time and takes us out on car journeys and days out. He won’t like me for saying this but he has a soft side which only us doggies get to see. He is one in a million and we are so thankful to him for saving us and helping us recover from any trauma we may have experienced. He shows us how kind humans can be and helps us trust again.

Oh the lovely, beautiful Patricia with the biggest heart is our surrogate Mummy. She is the kindest, sweetest, most caring person we could ask for to look after us on a daily basis. She makes sure we always have food, always have clean kennels and receive our medication if required. Patricia keeps us lovely and warm with clean, fresh blankets in our kennel, she takes us to the vets when we are feeling poorly and will sit and cuddle us to make us feel better. Patricia gives us all of her heart and soul every single day, we are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mummy whilst we live at the shelter.

Funny Louise is sort of an extra dog if I am honest. She makes these funny facial expressions and talks with the strangest of voices – she makes us all laugh a lot. Louise spends time with us getting to really know us so she can help find us the best homes and help you find the right dog for you. She takes a lot of photos and makes strange noises to get us to look at the camera. Little does she know we would do this if she just asked normally!! We love Louise’s visits, we call her Aunty Lou and seeing her always adds lots of laughter to our week.