Adoption Process

At Benafim Dog shelter we take the greatest care in finding the right homes for our dogs and for you, the adopters. Our ultimate aim is to find the perfect match for both parties involved and help every step of the way. Some dogs have been in our care for a matter of weeks or several months, some years. We care about each and everyone of them and want to ensure every adoption works successfully. All of our dogs are thoroughly assessed prior to being available for adoption and all information we provide regarding our dogs is based on us spending time with them, assessing them and knowing them.
All of our dogs are individual in the same way that all of our adopters are individual. For this reason we do not have one set questionnaire that we send out. Instead we spend time communicating with you, finding out about you, your lifestyle, what you are looking for and helping you with our recommendations for the right dog for you.
We rehome our dogs in both Portugal as well as other countries within Europe and the UK. Below is a detailed process on how we work with you. You can also click here for testimonials from our wonderful adopters who have first hand experience with the whole process.
Our “Rehome A Dog” page is updated on a regular basis where you can find all of our lovely dogs for adoption by clicking here.
Adopting in Portugal
Visiting The Shelter
We always recommend visiting our shelter to meet the wonderful dogs we have for adoption. We will introduce you to them, let you spend as much time as you wish with each and everyone of them and tell you about them, their personalities, their history and the home they would be best suited to.
We welcome you to visit as many times as you wish to spend time with the dogs, getting to know them and them getting to know you.

A Trial Period
When the time comes that your heart is set on a dog, we always recommend a trial period in your home. We believe a trial is the best way to really get to know your (hopefully) new family member, to see how they cope in a home, in a new environment and with their new family.
We will arrange to bring the dog to your home for the trial. This enables us to carry out a home check to ensure your home and garden is safe and secure for the dog.
We will ensure the dog comes with a collar, lead, food they are used to, any bedding that is special to them, as well as any toys or bones. If the dog is on medication we will provide a plentiful supply for the length of the trial.
During the trial period we will remain in contact with you for updates and most importantly to provide you with any support and advice you may require.
During the trial process the dog remains registered to Benafim Dogs – in the event of any problems at all, we ask you to immediately contact us.
Please note that for trials and adoptions of dogs that are on the ‘dangerous breed’ list in Portugal, several additional measures are required, which we will be on hand to help you with, including insurance.

Finalising the Adoption
We always keep everything crossed that the trial process will be a success and will result in an adoption. That said we want what is best for everyone and that is ultimately a happy dog and happy adopters.
Once all three parties, the dog, you the adopter and us Benafim dogs are happy we will visit you again with the relevant adoption paperwork to change the dog’s ‘ownership’ and chip registration to the adopter.
We will provide the adopter with all information we have on your new family member, including their veterinary book and any additional medical paperwork.
If sadly the trial isn’t a success, we of course will always welcome the dog back and continue to give them the love and care until we do find them the right home.

Post Adoption Follow Up
We are always here for you and your new family member. When you adopt a dog from us this does not mean we are no longer here to provide any support you need. It is important to us that we receive regular updates and of course love to know how every dog is enjoying their new lives.
We will carry out a follow up visit a few weeks after the adoption has taken place and we will also be in contact with you for updates.
We put our hearts and soles into ensuring the dogs in our care have the best possible lives whilst at the shelter therefore it is just as important to us to know they are happy and really well cared for in their homes.

Adoption from Overseas
Initial Enquiry
Upon receiving an enquiry from you, we will spend time communicating with you, finding out about you, your lifestyle, what you are looking for and helping you with our recommendations for the right dog for you. We will provide you with full and accurate details of every dog including photos and videos.
Home Check
Once all parties are happy that an adoption will take place, we will organise a home check by one of our partners overseas to ensure your home is safe and secure to welcome your new furry family member.
During the time between the home check and officialising the adoption, the dog will be reserved and will not be available for adoption
Once all three parties are happy to proceed with the adoption, Benafim Dogs will organise the transport and all relevant paperwork and medical checks to ensure your new family member can travel to you.
If you live in the UK – this will be transport by road and the Eurotunnel
If Holland, Germany and other European countries this will normally be by plane.
All transport costs are payable by the adopter directly to the transporter. We will of course provide you full details of these prior to any adoption agreement.

Waiting For Your New Family Member
We understand adopters are excited about meeting their dog and can’t wait to welcome them into their homes. Whilst your dog is within our care, we will send you regular updates on how they are, with photos and videos.
Welcoming Your New Family Member
A fortnight prior to the arrival of your dog, we will send you all details regarding your dog and an information pack containing everything you need to know about them with guidance and advice on welcoming your new family member from the moment you meet them.
On the day of their departure from us we will ensure your dog is safe and settled with the transport company and will confirm this with you. During the journey both ourselves and you will receive updates. We ask that you keep us updated on their safe arrival and give them a big hug from us!
Happily Ever After
We are always here for you and your new family member. When you adopt a dog from us we are here to provide any support you need. It is important to us that we receive regular updates and of course love to know how every dog is enjoying their new lives.